Carlos Climente

iGaming and MarketingOperationsProduct ManagementTeam leading


Digital Transformation

My secret recipe

I’ve always been an early adopter. I am always willing to catch the new wave. This allows me to help companies transitioning to new technologies. I’ve been in charge of many digital projects and I am eager to lead a lot more!

Email, SEM campaigns
SEO and UX Projects
E-commerce Projects

Digital Transformation Timeline

  • Nov 2011 - Oct 2014

    Meriendacena Producciones

    Marketing and Operations Manager
    Along with comedian David Guapo, I ran a company that produced live shows -Meriendacena Producciones- and also an IT venture -I like IT Solutions- that provided events ticketing and ecommerce solutions.
  • Sep 2009 - ...

    You could say I am a Wordpress and email marketing Ninja, which is why I founded Two53. With the time, the company evolved, becoming a growth hacking and database exploitation firm.
  • Oct 2004 - Dec 2005

    Linkara (Grupo Intercom)

    Head of Customer Service
    I was head of customer services at Linkara, a Spanish social network that aimed to compete with Facebook. We failed but then we launched Neurona, a professional network that was later acquired by Infojobs and renamed as Xing.
  • Jan 2002 - Dec 2002


    Digital Communications Manager
    I was the webmaster at Cardenal Herrera University, where I managed a team of programmers and designers to develop the college's new website and intranet.